Locate a Pharmacy

This page allows you to search for a pharmacy by ZIP code, or by state, city, and county.

Searching by ZIP code

  1. Under the Pharmacies menu at the top of the screen, click Locate a Pharmacy. You can also click Locate a Pharmacy in the Quick Links section to the right of the screen.
  2. Enter a ZIP code.
  3. Select a Within Distance option (for example, 10 miles).
  4. If desired, enter at least two characters of a pharmacy name, or a keyword within a pharmacy name, to narrow your search results.
  5. If desired, select search filter options to display pharmacies with the following characteristics:



  1. Click Search.

Searching by state, county, and city

  1. Under the Pharmacies menu, click Locate a Pharmacy. You can also click Locate a Pharmacy in the Quick Links section to the right of the screen.
  2. Click Search by State, City, County.
  3. Select a State (required), then a County and a City (either a county or a city selection is required).
  4. If desired, enter at least two characters of a pharmacy name, or a keyword within a pharmacy name, to narrow your search results.
  5. If desired, select search filter options to display pharmacies with the following characteristics:



  1. Click Search.

Viewing Results

Sort Options:

By default, preferred network pharmacies are listed first for searches by state, city, and county. A green checkmark displays in the corresponding column(s) if the pharmacy has Home Infusion (HI), Long-Term Care (LTC), Workers' Comp (WC), and/or is open 24 hours (24H).